What we do

From the outside, it looks like we're organizing and cleaning things and places. What we actually do is support people in optimizing their lives.

With a regular cleaning regime in place, clients feel anticipation in coming home; they have fresh spaces to live their personal lives.

When we do a Fresh Start clean, clients experience expanded mental space for other projects or events. They feel hopeful and energized.

Our Seasonal clean is reassuring to clients; having the next big clean on the calendar shows planning and preparedness.

Organizing spaces and paperwork is transformational for clients; what was overwhelming becomes manageable and sustainable, and even joy-filled and healing.

We earn our fee by organizing and cleaning spaces. We earn our satisfaction by impacting clients.

About Our Founder

Elisa Janzen has managed her own household for decades, and gets a kick out of transforming spaces. She organizes, writes, paints, gardens, renovates, does repairs, and raised four children.

She values friendship and professionalism.

Founding this service that excels in making a strong lifestyle impact is a long-held dream; it matters to her that people get an emotional boost from living in their clean and ordered homes.